Defending yourself from Repurchase Requests
When loans go bad the government controlled enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will look to have the loans repurchased. These massive organizations will use their weight to pass the buck until they find who they believe is the responsible party, and make that party pay big time.
These request to buy back loans are serious, and must be treated aggressively. The government-sponsored enterprises will attempt to find flaws in the underwriting of loans and the appraisal process.
Fortunately many of the appraisal reviews are performed by the least experienced or knowledgeable appraisers around. The internet is filled with ads from appraisal management companies seeking “review appraisers.” These appraisers are poorly compensated and overworked. Often these “review appraisers” are not even located in the subject market. This provides the opportunity for rebuttal by a local, experienced, and professional appraiser.
Do not outsource your rebuttal to another out-of-state appraisal marketing company. You need a professional, local, real estate appraisal expert to defend you from these serious allegations.
We are your local expert and will guide you through the rebuttal process. The first step is to order a retrospective field review. This independent review will provide you with the proper perspective needed to proceed and defend any repurchase request. In the next step we will review the allegations and locate inconsistencies and inaccuracies. When necessary we will make demands for supporting documentation and explanation. The final step is the rebuttal letter that supports your position. A properly drafted letter is very important as it ties together your position and provides the argument that supports the reconciliation. The letter must be detailed, provide the supporting documentation, and be clear and concise. Let us help you with this very important process.